United Forward

Moving Forward Together

United Forward is an education and impact agency guiding organisations to align their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies and portfolio with beneficiaries and campaigns material to organisational ESG philosophies and goals.

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Latest News

  • United Forward is invited to attend the Impact ​Philanthropy Partnership (IPP) Roundtable hosted by ​NTU’s Wealth Management Institute and Asia Centre ​for Changemakers on May 28, 2024.

United Forward

Our Mission

At United Forward, our mission is to unite individuals, organisations and communities to create, support and enable meaningful impact opportunities for social good and environmental wellness based on the values of compassion, benevolence and thoughtful contribution.

Our Founder

An award-winning educator, Jean Foo is Chief ​Consultant to Singapore Institute of Management’s ​Centre for Micro-Credentials in curriculum innovation ​and accreditation, focusing on the intersection of ​sustainability and emerging technologies. A consultant ​with various UN subsidiaries, including World Bank and ​UNICEF since 2003, Jean currently supports UNHCR in ​awareness and fundraising. Jean founded United Forward ​to guide leaders in building CSR portfolios material to ​their organisations while identifying beneficiaries suited ​for innovative ESG campaigns.

United Forward

Our Expertise for CSR Portfolio-Building

Step 1:

Assessment & Goal Setting

  • Assess materiality and current CSR efforts, set clear CSR objectives aligned with business values and sustainability goals.

Step 3:

Implementation Planning

  • Create an implementation plan with defined responsibilities, resources, metrics, and monitoring mechanisms for executing CSR initiatives.

Step 5:

Communications & Reporting

  • Develop a communication plan to share CSR progress, achievements, evaluations and impact internally and externally.

Step 2:

Strategy Development

  • Develop a comprehensive CSR strategy outlining focus areas, key initiatives, action plans, partnerships, and timelines.

Step 4:

Stakeholder Engagement

  • Collaborate with stakeholders, and partnerships with external organizations to maximize CSR impact and support.

United Forward

Beneficiaries We Support

United Forward

Active Campaigns - See Our Work

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United Forward

Audit and Reporting

United Forward

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